Canadian Indie Comic Books Wiki

Basic info[]

Written and Illustrated by Evan Quiring

Colors by Donovan Yaciuk

Cover by Evan Quiring

24 pages Colour


Youtube Trailer!

Lucha Mystery #1 reviewed by Comic Chat Authority!

Lucha Mystery #1 reviewed by Michael Fitzgerald Troy!

Lucha Mystery #1 Review!

Lucha Mystery reviewed by the Hey Kids Comics Radioshow!

Lucha Mystery Facebook Page

Available at Indyplanet , Comixology , Drivethru Comics , Spinwhiz Comics and Studiocomix

Published by: Scattered Comics

Lucha Mystery follows the adventures of Rey Diablo and other atomic powered luchadores as they fight crime, monsters and space aliens in 1964, San Diego.

Printing Information[]

  1. Officially Released November 2017